We’re here to be a hub for the outdoor bub, providing inspiration and information on where to and how to show bub the bush.
We want to help influence the next generation to love, care for and nurture our nature. And we believe that starts from day dot.
We want to make it easy for mum and dad to get outdoors and destress.
What we are:
a place to share stories and places on getting outdoors with your family. It can be anything from a walk in the bush, a picnic, a campground, tips, book ideas… anything that inspires us to get outdoors with our bambinis.
What we aren’t:
Track notes and detailed guides on tracks and trails, organisers of group bush events.
Behind bushbambino

Elise English
Mother of Wil and bushbambino. Getting out into the green stuff was the only thing that kept me tethered to my sanity during the first couple of months…and probably years of motherhood. I found it hard to find info on tracks and outdoor activities that were suitable for bub and spent most of my 3am feeds researching. I want to make it easy for everyone else to get outdoors with their bubba.
Desperate to create a hiking buddy out of my bub and give him an early start with his relationship to the outdoors.